For more information, please contact Mrs Dinsdale (Computing Lead), Mr Hall (Deputy Headteacher) or your child's class teacher.
Aims of the Clavering Curriculum for Computing
The Clavering Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure that all pupils:
- can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation;
- can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems;
- can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems;
- are safe, responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
Clavering Learning Foci for Computing
1. To develop knowledge and understanding of E-Safety.
2. To develop ICT skills.
3. To develop computing skills.
Topics studied in each year group
Year 1:
E-Safety: Making suitable choices
ICT Skills: Information around us; Introduction to modelling; Using a word bank (labelling and classifying); Representing information graphically
Computing: Introduction to coding 1; Introduction to coding 2
Year 2:
E-Safety: Keeping Safe Online
ICT Skills: Finding information; Creating pictures; Writing stories and communicating ideas; Questions and answers
Computing: Simple algorithms; Applying algorithms
Year 3:
E-Safety: Reliable sources of information
ICT Skills: Combining text and graphics; Manipulating sound; Exploring simulations; Using e-mail
Computing: Understanding output; Understanding input
Year 4:
E-Safety: Being information wise and protecting your identity
ICT Skills: Modelling effects on screen; Developing images using repeating patterns; Branching databases; Writing for different audiences; Collecting and presenting information
Computing: Varying output; Varying input
Year 5:
E-Safety: Friends online, cyber-bullying and plagiarism
ICT Skills: Evaluating data and checking for accuracy; Spreadsheets 1; Graphical modelling; Monitoring environmental conditions
Computing: Debugging programs; Logical reasoning
Year 6:
E-Safety: How to protect yourself online
ICT Skills: Advanced Internet search skills; Controlling devices; Multimedia presentation; Spreadsheets 2
Computing: Controlling physical systems; Simulating physical systems