The Clavering Senior Leadership Team comprises our Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and two Assistant Headteachers:

Headteacher: Miss O'Brien

Miss O'Brien became headteacher of Clavering Primary School in January 2010, having spent her entire teaching career at Clavering.

As well as running the school, she has a long list of other responsibilities, including school self-evaluation; curriculum monitoring; assessment monitoring; finance; healthy and safety; educational visits; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; and premises.

Always ready for action, Miss O'Brien loves to accompany the Year 5 and Year 6 children on their respective residentials and she always tries to find the time to support our various sports teams, choirs, performing arts productions, etc.

As well as being the Clavering Headteacher, Miss O'Brien is a National Lead Teacher for Assessment, a Local Authority Assessment Moderator and sits on various committees and working groups with Hartlepool Local Authority (LA). She is also a part of various steering groups and committees within the Local Authority, Extended Services in North Hartlepool (ESINH) and the North Hartlepool Family of Schools (NHFoS).

Deputy Headteacher: Mr McAvoy

Mr McAvoy is our Deputy Headteacher, having joined us in January 2011. He was previously the Deputy Headteacher of a National Support School and has supported school leaders and teachers in many different schools. Mr McAvoy has a variety of leadership roles in school, including curriculum innovation, assessment innovation, Key Stage 2, Fairtrade and International Schools. He also directs the Clavering Residentials Programme; the Clavering Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) Programme; and our John Muir Award Programme.

In addition, Mr McAvoy is a Leading Practitioner for Hartlepool LA, a LA Assessment Moderator and a National Lead Teacher for Assessment. He is also a part of the Hartlepool Fairtrade Steering Group, a Nework Facilitator for the North Hartlepool Family of Schools (NHFoS) and is the only senior leader in any Tees Valley primary school to be part of the Youth Sport Trust's Headteacher Ambassadors' Network.

As well as working in Hartlepool, Mr McAvoy has worked with children in Kenya, South Africa, Malawi, Romania and the United States of America. He has led numerous humanitarian aid projects and is a passionate supporter of Clavering's commitment to making a positive contribution locally, nationally and internationally.

Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Corr

Like Miss O'Brien, Mrs Corr has spent her entire career at Clavering Primary School and was appointed Assistant Headteacher in April 2009.

Mrs Corr currently teaches one of our Reception classes and is our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage One Coordinator. This covers Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

In addition, Mrs Corr is our Humanities Subjects Leader, overseeing a team of coordinators that leads on four different curriculum areas: Religious Education (RE); Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE); Geography and History.

She also leads on Fundamental British Values, Collective Workship, Rights Respecting Schools and she coordinates our School Council.

Assistant Headteacher: Miss Leighton

Miss Leighton joined Clavering in September 2010, having been part of the leadership team at another Hartlepool school. Having held a number of different roles and responsibilities at Clavering, Miss Leighton became our second Assistant Headteacher in January 2017.

Miss Leighton's prime additional responsibilities are Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and Safeguarding (including Child Protection, Looked After Children and E-Safety).

In addition, Miss Leighton is our Science and Technology Leader, overseeing a team of coordintors that leads on three different curriculum areas: Science, Computing (including ICT); and Design and Technology.