Note: the new National Curriculum is due to be implemented during the 2014-2015 academic year.
For now, we are continuing to follow our current Clavering Curriculum from Years 1 to 6.
The Clavering Curriculum establishes an entitlement for all children and promotes high standards.
The purposes of having a curriculum are:
- to establish an entitlement for all children to develop and apply the knowledge, skills and understanding that will help them become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens – regardless of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities;
- to establish standards for children’s performance that can be shared with children, parents, teachers, governors and the public;
- to promote continuity and coherence, allowing children to move smoothly between schools and phases of education and providing a foundation for lifelong learning;
- to promote public understanding, building confidence in the work of the school and in the quality of education provided at Clavering Primary School.
In particular, the Clavering Curriculum:
- promotes high standards, particularly in literacy, numeracy and ICT capability;
- provides continued entitlement from early years to a coherent, broad and balanced curriculum;
- instils in children a positive disposition to learning and a commitment to learn;
- promotes and passes on essential knowledge, skills and understanding valued by society to the next generation;
- is relevant to children and prepares them for the here and now, for the next phase of their education, and for their future;
- widens horizons and raises aspirations about the world of work and further and higher education;
- makes children more aware of, and engaged with, their local, national and international communities;
- helps children recognise that personal development is essential to wellbeing and success.
The National Curriculum
Obviously, the Clavering Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum subjects for Key Stages 1 and 2, as set out in section 84 of the Education Act 2002. We continue to monitor developments with the Coalition Government and their work towards producing a new National Curriculum.
Religious Education (RE) is provided to all pupils on the school roll, unless withdrawn by their parents. As a maintained school, we are required to follow the locally agreed syllabus approved by Hartlepool Local Authority.
The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age in maintained schools. At Clavering Primary School it is organised on the basis of two key stages:
- Key Stage 1 (or Lower School): Ages 5-7 (Years 1-2)
- Key Stage 2: Ages 7-11 (Years 3-6)
At Clavering Key Stage 2 is split into two teams: Middle School (Years 3-4) and Upper School (Years 5-6)
For each subject and for each key stage, programmes of study set out what pupils should be taught, and attainment targets set out the expected standards of pupils' performance.
Programmes of Study
The programmes of study, in relation to a key stage, are the matters, skills, and processes which are required to be taught to pupils of different abilities and maturities by the end of that key stage. In short, they set out what pupils should be taught in each National Curriculum subject at each key stage.
Attainment Targets
Attainment targets, in relation to a key stage, means the knowledge, skills and understanding which pupils of different abilities and maturities are expected to have by the end of that key stage. The attainment targets are currently set out in the form of level descriptors. There are eight level descriptions of increasing difficulty plus a description for exceptional performance above level 8.
The level descriptions provide the basis for making judgements about pupils’ performance at the end of key stages 1, 2 and 3.
National Curriculum Programmes of Study and Attainment Targets are available at:
What is statutory?
Key Stage 1 The statutory subjects that all pupils must be taught at Key Stage 1 are: art and design, design and technology (D&T), literacy/English, geography, history, numeracy/mathematics, music, physical education (PE), science. |
Key Stage 2 The statutory subjects that all pupils must be taught at Key Stage 2 are: art and design, design and technology (D&T), literacy/English, geography, history, numeracy/mathematics, music, physical education (PE), science, modern foreign language (MFL). |
Religious education (RE) must also be provided. |
Religious education (RE) must also be provided. |
The Clavering Curriculum also includes a modern foreign language (French) in Key Stage 1. |
The modern foreign language at Clavering is French. |
What is non-statutory?
A framework for PSHE and citizenship education is included as a non-statutory programme of study.