'Governors are skilled professionals, who are ambitious for the school’s future. They use their expertise to support and challenge leaders.' (Ofsted, 2019).
Membership: Mr Rycaft, Mrs Raine and Mrs Smith
- To implement the Governing Body's Pay Policy for all staff and production of salary statements for teachers and leadership group posts as required.
- To review the pay of leadership group posts and other posts within the school in accordance with statutory criteria for the time being in force.
- To review and recommend the Performance Management Policy and carry out any necessary consultation with staff.
- To receive reports on performance management.
- To meet with the School Improvement Partner and set Headteacher’s Performance objectives.
- To monitor Headteacher’s performance objectives.
- To review the salary of the Headteacher.
Membership: Mr Rycraft, Mrs Raine, TBA
- To consider any appeals against grading from members of staff and determine whether the appeal can be upheld.
Initial/Nominating Committee:
Membership: Governors to be appointed when required.
- To consider the overall staffing needs in the light of the school’s budget, desired staffing structure, management structure, curriculum requirements, etc.
- To establish whether a potential redundancy situation exists.
- To liaise and consult with unions and staff (via the Headteacher if the committee so determines) and consider any representations from staff and unions.
- To consider any alternatives to redundancy.
- To consider any applications for voluntary redundancy.
- To determine the criteria which are to be used to select staff to be made redundant.
- To set the overall timetable for redundancy.
- To determine which employees it is proposed are to be made redundant on the basis of selection criteria set by the Initial Committee.
- To arrange for employees selected to be notified (via the Headteacher) of this.
Membership: Governors to be appointed when required.
- Consider any representations made by a member of staff on the proposal that he/she be made redundant.
- Determine whether the dismissal proposal should stand or not.
- Arrange for the employee and LA to be informed in writing to the decision and the reason for it (via the Headteacher).
- Where required, hear cases under Capability, Grievance, Disciplinary and other employment policies/procedures.
- To deal with, in accordance with agreed procedures, any complaints received in school.
Membership: Governors to be appointed when required.
- Consider any appeal made by a member of staff on the proposal that he/she be made redundant.
- To hear appeals under disciplinary, grievance, capability and other employment policies/procedures.
- Determine whether the appeal should be upheld or not.
- Arrange for the employee and the LA to be informed of the decision (via the Headteacher).